Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Using JQuery to hide SharePoint 2013 List Item fields

Hiding unnecessary fields in DispForm.aspx/EditFOrm.aspx is something most of us implement within our SharePoint implementations. Here is a quick way to achieve that using JQuery.
Hiding any List Item fields
So you have many fields in your NewForm.aspx but you want to hide some like in the screenshot. I want to hide the fields I haven’t underlined.

I will click on Edit Page, and add a Script  Editor webpart on the page. From the below script, just change the number in which your fields appear on the page using a 0 index. So to hide the first field, enter 0, second field – enter 1 and so on.

Also you can do some formatting on your page using Jquery, for example I am making the font as BOLD for the list item entries.

I want to hide the information in the screenshot, you can add this line as well.

Hope this helps someone looking for a similar scenario.