Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Inserting Terms to the Term Store : SharePoint 2010

Managed Metadata, one of my most widely used feature in SharePoint 2010 comes with many exciting things. I tend to use them very often depending on the business case. Recently I came across a scenario where I had to Insert almost 1000 items to the Term Store with their sub sets. In my case it was the list of manufacturers and their products. So I wrote a console application to do the same. In my case, I had a excel sheet of values which I read using my previously created ReadExcel.cs. Here is the code :

 using (SPSite site = new SPSite(""))
                TaxonomySession _TaxonomySession = new TaxonomySession(site);

                //Get instance of the Term Store
                TermStore _TermStore = _TaxonomySession.TermStores[""];

                //Instance of Term Store
                Group _Group = _TermStore.Groups[""];

                //Instance of Term Group
                TermSet _TermSet = _Group.TermSets[""];

                FileStream filename = File.Open(@"", FileMode.Open);

                for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++)

                   // ReadExcel.ReadxlswithID() is my function to read the row values in Excel

                    if (ReadExcel.ReadxlswithID(filename, "A" + i.ToString(), "Sheet2") != null)
                        string manufacturer = ReadExcel.ReadxlswithID(filename, "A" + i.ToString(), "Sheet2");

                        string product = ReadExcel.ReadxlswithID(filename, "B" + i.ToString(), "Sheet2");

                        TermCollection terms = _TermSet.GetTerms(manufacturer, true);


                            if (terms.Count > 0)
                                Term tExists = _TermSet.GetTerm(terms[0].Id);
                                //Get the branch of terms within terms
                                TermCollection subTermExists = tExists.GetTerms(50);

                                bool termAlreadyExists = false;

                                for (int j = 0; j < subTermExists.Count; j++)
                                    if (product == subTermExists[j].Name)
                                        termAlreadyExists = true;

                                if (e == false)
                                    Term subTerm = tExists.CreateTerm(product, 1033);



                                Term _term = _TermSet.CreateTerm(manufacturer, 1033);

                                Term _sTerm = _term.CreateTerm(product, 1033);


                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + product);


For any queries, please write to me.

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