Monday, March 11, 2013

SharePoint2010 : Creating Surveys

Creating surveys and recording response in SharePoint is a very useful feature of any intranet or internet facing site. Surveys can be recorded periodically every quarter or monthly based on organizations. This blog post shows how to create a survey and record responses from the audiences. 
  • You must log on to your SharePoint site with admin rights.
  • Click on View All Site Content and click on Create 
  • Select Lists from the left and select Surveys from the list
  • Enter the name of your survey and click on Create.

Now that our list is created, it’s time to enter the questions for the survey. 
  • Enter your question and click on Next Question until you finish entering all your questions one by one. While filling in the questions, you can select the field type for each question and proceed. You can also branch your users according to their responses, how to do that, we will see later in this post.

Now that you have finished entering all your questions, you should click on Finish which will take you to the list settings page where you can see all your questions listed. Now, you can click on the question you want to put branching on and enter the branching criteria. Finally when all this is done, you are good to test your survey. Click on the survey list from the left hand navigation which will take you to the survey list. Click on Respond to survey for filling in the answer to the questions and submit your survey. Now, if you want the audiences to have only the survey submission rights and they should not be able to view what others are submitting, restrict access to the library accordingly.

Hope this helps

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